Together Foundation
For People with Disabilities and Society

Creating an inclusive society

Healthy Food
Inclusive Sports

Sport is a powerful tool to bring people together regardless of their needs and challenges.

Inclusive Lifestyle

Each individual, regardless of their abilities, has the right to practice their passion and hobby.

Pure Water
Inclusive Education

Every child has the right to access quality education, regardless of their disabilities.

Love & Care
Inclusive Employment

Employment is the basis for a decent life, in which people with disabilities can increase self-esteem, financial independence and freedom of choice.

Friendship Beyond Differences

Together Foundation believes that the power of friendship is transformational, and that the most effective way to raise awareness about people with disabilities is through a human connection.

Community is at the heartbeat

Every project at Together Foundation focuses on community building for people with or without disabilities. Through our innovative and universally designed tools we bring humans closer to one another.